Happy Ancestor Birthday

The dead goes marching on

I woke up this morning, and I felt a little “off”. I sped through my morning-like usual. Get in the shower, make tea, stretch, call the bill collectors, get in an hour of work before the doctors appointment, and so it goes.

Driving back from the chiropractor, feeling a bit more relaxed, I realized today is Dads Ancestor Birthday. I have been talking about it coming for a week, and wouldn’t ya know it- I’d forgotten on the actual day.

But when I’m quiet or at least distracted by the calming vibration of the tires on the road, I can hear Spirit connecting with me.

I began out loud, “Hi Dad. Happy Ancestor Day. I miss you, and in some ways I feel closer to you than I did most of our time together on Earth. Thanks for watching over me and those who love you. I am grateful for our trials and tribulations and hope wherever you are, in whatever form you have shape shifted to, you are happy and at peace. I can hear your laughter and I share your “Dad-isms” with my kiddos from time to time. It’s funny to think you were such a philosopher and profit without really knowing. I recently heard someone say, “Everyone has an opinion” and in my head I finished with your words, “Yep, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.”.

I often ponder your saying, “The difference between man and beast is our ability to reason.” I have bucked this my whole life. I think it’s more than reason, but the balance is needed. My most favorite saying, “Follow your dreams or there is no use living”. Ironically, in my adult years it made you worried for me and judgmental, yet I’m so glad you let this one out, kinda like an unplanned fart!

I’m holding you in my heart Dad, and I imagine you with Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Gari, and Uncle Henry. Always connected and loved. I love you.


Yes or No, The Path is the Path